1. Introduction

This guide describes setting up a private network with 2 running Linux(UBUNTU) guest VM instances (Linux I (UBUNTU) + Linux II (UBUNTU)), a RT-Linux instance (RTOS) and the Hypervisor host (Host), each pinging the others through the RtosVnet.

This manual will guide you through the following steps:

  • Using virtual adapter RtosVnet

  • Setting up the IP addresses for each instance/guest.

  • Adjust additional settings

  • Ping each instance/guest


This guide describe only a small aspect therefore the prerequisites are important! (See Chapter Prerequisites)


The private network addresses used in this guide are in the range of 192.168.157.XXX.

1.1. Prerequisites

  • PC/IPC with at least installed acontis Hypervisor.

    • 2 configured Linux (UBUNTU) guests. Please checkout Hypervisor-LinuxGuest-Guide.

    • 1 configured RT-Linux guest. Please checkout Hypervisor-Quickstart-Guide if not yet done.

  • already used (as default pre-configured) IP addresses (RtosVnet):

    • host:

    • RT-Linux: