2. Setup Guests


Always start RTOS as first guest, as this will create the initial instance of RtosVnet!

2.1. Host

No setup required, as this guide uses the default IP address ( of the Host.

2.2. RT-Linux

No setup required, as this guide uses the default IP address ( of the RTOS.

2.3. Linux I (UBUNTU)

2.3.1. Linux I Host-side guest configuration


This changes must be done on the Host side for the Linux (UBUNTU) guest!

Open configuration script of vm1 and edit the rtosvnet_nw value.

cd /hv/VMs/vm1
gedit ./vmconfig.sh

Search the following line:

# Private RtosVnet network between RTOS and GP-OS
export rtosvnet_nw=0

and change it to:

# Private RtosVnet network between RTOS and GP-OS
export rtosvnet_nw=1


Changes to the other values of the RtosVnet config section only needed if different IP ranges or names are required!

2.3.2. Linux I Guest-side configuration


This changes must be done in running Linux (UBUNTU) guest!


To start the Linux I (UBUNTU) guest with a loaded RtosVnet instance, the Rtos (RT-Linux) must be started before!

  • start RT-Linux

cd /hv/lx
sudo ./lx.sh
  • start Linux I (UBUNTU) guest

cd /hv/VMs/vm1
sudo ./vmrun.sh

Switch into UBUNTU guest and goto Settings -> Network and edit the ens10 adapter.

Goto IPv4 tab and edit the following values:

  • IPv4 Method: manual

  • Address:

  • Netmask:

Linux guest I network config settings dialog.

Fig. 2.1 Linux guest I (UBUNTU) network config settings dialog.

2.4. Linux II (UBUNTU)

2.4.1. Linux II Host-side guest configuration


This changes must be done on the host side for the Linux (UBUNTU) guest!

Open configuration script of vm2 and edit the rtosvnet_nw value.

cd /hv/VMs/vm2
gedit ./vmconfig.sh

Search the following line:

# Private RtosVnet network between RTOS and GP-OS
export rtosvnet_nw=0

and change it to:

# Private RtosVnet network between RTOS and GP-OS
export rtosvnet_nw=1


Changes to the other values of the RtosVnet config section only needed if different IP ranges or names are required!

2.4.2. Linux II Guest-side configuration


This changes must be done in running Linux (UBUNTU) guest!


To start the Linux II (UBUNTU) guest with a loaded RtosVnet instance, the Rtos (RT-Linux) must be started before!

  • start RT-Linux (if not yet started!)

cd /hv/lx
sudo ./lx.sh
  • start Linux II (UBUNTU) guest

cd /hv/VMs/vm2
sudo ./vmrun.sh

Switch into UBUNTU guest and goto Settings -> Network and edit the ens10 adapter.

Goto IPv4 tab and edit the following values:

  • IPv4 Method: manual

  • Address:

  • Netmask:

Linux guest II network config settings dialog.

Fig. 2.2 Linux guest II (UBUNTU) network config settings dialog.

2.5. Final IP configuration

  • Host:

  • RT-Linux:

  • Linux I (UBUNTU):

  • Linux II (UBUNTU):