EC-Engineer Layer 5 SDK 1. Introduction 1.1. Overview 1.2. Requirements 1.3. EtherCAT Slave descriptions (ESI files) 2. Tool usage 2.1. Microsoft .NET Framework: Windows 2.2. Microsoft .NET Framework: Linux 2.3. Microsoft .NET Core: Windows 2.4. Microsoft .NET Core: Linux 3. Project structure 4. ENI Builder Input (EBI) file format 4.1. Data types 4.2. Tags 4.3. Create EBI file using EC-Engineer 4.4. Type Specific Settings 4.5. Examples 5. Sample Code for C# 5.1. Getting Started 5.2. Architecture 5.3. Command line interface 6. Sample Code for C++ 6.1. Getting Started 6.2. Architecture 6.3. Command line interface 7. How to integrate EniEngine 7.1. Create Environment 7.2. Configure created Device 7.3. Create slaves 7.4. Build Tree and configure slaves 7.5. Generate ENI