2. Part A - Development Host Configuration

  • Start the System Manager


if it is the first launch of the System Manager a dialog to enter a workspace directory opens.

  • Select My Computer node on the tree view and add a RTOS to the configuration.

    Select Rtos in SysMgr.

    Fig. 2.1 Select Rtos in SysMgr.

  • Select the Application node of the RTOS #1 section and push the Create New Application Project (Debug Only) button.

    Select source application in SysMgr.

    Fig. 2.2 Select source application in SysMgr.

  • Select for ex. RealtimeDemo and push OK button.

    Select for ex. RealtimeDemo as source application in SysMgr.

    Fig. 2.3 Select for ex. RealtimeDemo as source application in SysMgr.

  • Scroll to <Development|Debugging> section and push the Settings button.

    Select debugging settings.

    Fig. 2.4 Select debugging settings.

  • Edit DEBUG Connection Settings dialog will pop up.

    Debugging settings dialog.

    Fig. 2.5 Debugging settings dialog.

  • Select Remote Debugging and enter the IP address of the target. Please note, this IP address must not be in use by other computers in your network and it has to fit into your company’s IP environment. You may have to ask your System Administrator to get a free IP address for that purpose. Both, host and target computer must be in the same network. In following steps this IP address will be called $Target-IP$

    Debugging settings dialog. Remote IP entered.

    Fig. 2.6 Debugging settings dialog. Remote IP entered.

  • Push the OK button.

  • Check if remote debugging and changed $Target-IP$ has been saved.

    Debugging settings changed to remote IP.

    Fig. 2.7 Debugging settings changed to remote IP.

  • Push Open Project with Visual Studio button.

    Push button to open Visual Studio and automatically create the source project.

    Fig. 2.8 Push button to open Visual Studio and automatically create the source project.

    Project will be created and all needed settings are set.

  • Adjust $Target-IP$ in generated Visual Studio Loader project.

    Select the file Vmftarget.cfg in the Visual Studio Loader project and edit the setting COMPort Ethernet $Target-IP$.

    Edit Visual Studio Loader project file Vmftarget.cfg.

    Fig. 2.9 Edit Visual Studio Loader project file Vmftarget.cfg.

  • Press F7 to compile the project.

    Visual Studio contains the generated source project.

    Fig. 2.10 Visual Studio contains the generated source project.