5. Part D - Hypervisor Target Configuration

Create bridged network connection:

cd /hv/hvctl
sudo ./brvnetset.sh

Output of successful brigde creation:

rtv@rtv-TEST:/hv/hvctl$ sudo ./brvnetset.sh
[sudo] password for rtv:
load vnet bridge configuration
add enp2s0 and vnet0 to bridge vnetbr
bridge name bridge id           STP enabled interfaces
vnetbr      8000.0060c8000000   no          enp2s0
ifconfig vnetbr netmask
ip route add default via
RTNETLINK answers: No such process

Start RTOS-32 Debug Monitor:

cd /hv/rtos-32
sudo ./realtimedemo-debug.sh

The realtimedemo-debug.sh will automatically starts the output console dbgcon.sh.

The output of the RTOS-32 Debug Monitor should be similar to that:

 RTTarget-32 Debug Monitor 6.21 Evaluation Version
 Copyright (c) 1996,2020 On Time Informatik GmbH

 Monitor Header at: 04037A3C, Current CPL: 0
 Ethernet: RTOS32Win VNet, MAC: AA-BB-CC-DD-EE-03, IP:

If the aforementioned information isn’t shown, start the output console dbgcon.sh manually to get the RTOS-32 Debug Monitor output.

cd /hv/rtos-32


Remove bridged network connection after debugging:

cd /hv/hvctl
sudo ./brvnetclr.sh