4. Part C - \RtFiles\debug\. Subdirectory

The debug monitor and the compiled debug files of the RTOS-32 project needs to be available on the target system.

It is recommended to create a network share for the rtfiles\debug directory on the target.


Every time a DLM project is changed and rebuilt on the host it is required to copy it into the target again! Therefore it’s recommended to use the network share as output directory of the Visual Studio project.

As our hypervisor is running on XUBUNTU, a SAMBA server is needed to accomplish this.

The hypervisor contains an installed SAMBA server, which must be properly configured for this specific task.


The used default user in this tutorial is rtv. If an other user is desired, change the specific parts accordingly.

Go to the SAMBA configuration file:

sudo gedit /etc/samba/smb.conf

Add the following section to the end of the smb.conf (if not yet available) and save:

  comment = Remote debug
  path = /hv/rtos-32/rtfiles/debug
  browseable = yes
  valid users = rtv
  guest ok = yes
  read only = no

Enter the following to add a rtv SAMBA user:

sudo smbpasswd -a rtv

Restart the SAMBA service:

sudo systemctl restart smbd.service nmbd.service

4.2. Copy Debug Monitor

Copy the whole Debug Monitor directory <host>%WORKSPACE%\projects\monvmf\*.* to \\\debug\*.* and override the included files. Leave the directory structure intact!

Copy Debug Monitor directory.

Fig. 4.1 Copy Debug Monitor directory.


Some of the files will be updated after rebuild of VS project.

4.3. Visual Studio Project Settings

The following screenshot shows how to set the output directory to a target system with IP address and the network share name debug. This setting is required for both projects within the Visual Studio solution (Loader as well as the DLM/DLL project).


Adjust the IP address accordingly to your needs.

Visual Studio Loader Project Settings.

Fig. 4.2 Visual Studio Loader Project Settings.

Visual Studio RealtimeDemo Project Settings.

Fig. 4.3 Visual Studio RealtimeDemo Project Settings.