5.2. Intel Pro/1000 - emllI8254x

The parameters to the Intel Pro/1000 Link Layer are setup-specific. The function CreateLinkParmsFromCmdLinei8254x() in EcSelectLinkLayer.cpp demonstrates how to initialize the Link Layer instance.

Public Members

Common link parameters. Signature must be set to EC_LINK_PARMS_SIGNATURE_I8254X

Receive buffer count, 0: default to 96

Receive buffer size for a single Ethernet frame. 0: buffer optimized for standard Ethernet frame.

Transmit buffer count, 0: default to 96

Transmit buffer size for a single Ethernet frame. 0: buffer optimized for standard Ethernet frame.

Disable locks

Timeout [ms] for auto negotiation

Use buffers from DMA (EC_FALSE) or from heap for receive. AllocSend is not supported, when EC_TRUE.