4.7. IntervalZero RTX

EC-Master is available for the RTX versions listed below:

RTX version

EC-Master version

RTX 2012


RTX 2016


RTX64 2014


RTX64 3.x


RTX64 4.x


4.7.1. Unbind Ethernet Driver instance

To use Real-time Ethernet Driver under RTX, the network adapter should be assigned to RTX as described in the RTX user manual. The NIC driver should not use the network adapter for TCP/IP and therefore the network adapter may not be configured in RtxTcpIp.ini.

4.7.2. Setting up and running EcMasterDemo

The file EcMasterDemo.rtss has to be executed.The full path to the ENI file has to be given as a command line parameter as well as the appropriate Real-time Ethernet Driver.

RTSSrun EcMasterDemo.rtss -i8255x 1 1 -f C:/eni.xml -t 60000

4.7.3. OS Compiler settings

Besides the general settings from Compiling the EcMasterDemo the following settings are necessary to build the example application for RTX.

Extra include paths
Extra source paths
Extra library paths to the main EtherCAT components
<InstallPath>/SDK/LIB/RTX64 (RTX64 4.x)
<InstallPath>/SDK/LIB/RTX64_30 (RTX64 3.x)