6.8. Performance Measurement

The acontis EC-Master software has a built-in performance measurement capability. This can be used to measure the execution times of the job functions that are called within the cyclic part of the application, as well as application specific functions. These executions times can be recorded both in form of overall statistics (min/avg/max) and in form of histograms.

6.8.1. Enabling performance measurements

Performance measurements need to be enabled inside the master init parms.

/* enable performance measurements */
oInitParms.PerfMeasInternalParms.bEnabled = EC_TRUE;

/* initialize the master */
dwRes = ecatInitMaster(&oInitParms);

6.8.2. Retrieving overall performance statistics (min/avg/max)

Performance measurements in the example application can be activated using the command line parameter (-perf). It enables performance measurements and performance histograms as well. The resulting measurement values are recorded every few seconds to the log file, and printed to the console in the following format:

PerfMsmt 'JOB_ProcessAllRxFrames' (min/avg/max) [usec]:   12.5/  15.9/  25.6
PerfMsmt 'JOB_SendAllCycFrames  ' (min/avg/max) [usec]:    3.6/   5.7/  14.8
PerfMsmt 'JOB_MasterTimer       ' (min/avg/max) [usec]:    2.1/   3.7/   8.2
PerfMsmt 'JOB_SendAcycFrames    ' (min/avg/max) [usec]:    0.3/   0.6/   2.6
PerfMsmt 'Cycle Time            ' (min/avg/max) [usec]:  918.4/ 999.6/1067.9
PerfMsmt 'myAppWorkPd           ' (min/avg/max) [usec]:    0.1/   0.4/   0.8
PerfMsmt 'JOB_Total             ' (min/avg/max) [usec]:   19.0/  25.9/  39.2

In an application these values can be retrieved using the emPerfMeasInternalGet/emPerfMeasAppGet APIs. These APIs require the index of a measurement point. Note that the index of a particular measurement point is implementation defined and not the same in all versions. It should therefore be detected at runtime using emPerfMeasInternalGetInfo. The following example shows how measurements for JOB_ProcessAllRxFrames can be retrieved:

EC_T_DWORD dwProcessAllRxFramesIdx = 0;
EC_T_DWORD dwMeasNum = 0;
dwRes = ecatPerfMeasInternalGetNumOf(&dwMeasNum);

/* find index of perf measurement */
for (EC_T_DWORD i = 0; i < dwMeasNum; ++i)
    EC_T_PERF_MEAS_INFO PerfMeasInfo;
    dwRes = ecatPerfMeasInternalGetInfo(i, &PerfMeasInfo, 1);

    if (0 == OsStrncmp("JOB_ProcessAllRxFrames", PerfMeasInfo.szName, OsStrlen("JOB_ProcessAllRxFrames") + 1))
        dwProcessAllRxFramesIdx = i;

/* retrieve values */
dwRes = ecatPerfMeasInternalGetRaw(dwProcessAllRxFramesIdx, &PerfMeasVal, EC_NULL, 1);

6.8.3. Recording performance histograms

In addition to the overall statistics described above it is possible to create a histogram of all results of a particular benchmark. The histogram has the following format:

/* enabling histograms */
pHistParms = &oInitParms.PerfMeasInternalParms.HistogramParms;
/* amount of bins to use for the histogram */
pHistParms->dwBinCount = 1000;
/* range of the histograms.
 * - results below qwMinTicks are stored in the first bin
 * - results above qwMaxTicks are stored in the last bin
 * a good starting point is the range 0 <-> 2 * the amount of ticks per cycle
pHistParms->qwMinTicks = 0;
pHistParms->qwMaxTicks = 2 * qwTicksPerCycle;

/* initialize the master */
dwRes = ecatInitMaster(&oInitParms);

Similar to the overall statistics it is possible to retrieve the histograms using emPerfMeasInternalGetRaw:

/* retrieve values */
PerfMeasHist.aBins = (EC_T_DWORD*)OsMalloc(dwBinCount * sizeof(EC_T_DWORD));
PerfMeasHist.dwBinCount = dwBinCount;
dwRes = ecatPerfMeasInternalGetRaw(dwProcessAllRxFramesIdx, EC_NULL, &PerfMeasHist, 1);

6.8.4. Special benchmark types

In addition to the normal benchmarks as described above, there are some special benchmark types which are flagged in EC_T_PERF_MEAS_INFO.


distance benchmarks are used to measure the time between the cycle start and the benchmark start. This can be helpful when visualizing the benchmarks inside a cycle


Changes the default of qwMinTicks/qwMaxTicks selected when passing qwMinTicks=qwMinTicks=0 from 0 - cycle time to 0.5 * cycle time - 1.5 * cycle time

6.8.5. Application benchmarks

In addition to the internal benchmarks it is possible to create application specific benchmarks using the emPerfMeasApp API.

static EC_T_PERF_MEAS_INFO_PARMS S_aPerfMeasInfos[] =
    {"myBench", 0}
#define APPL_PERF_MEAS_NUM    (sizeof(S_aPerfMeasInfos) / sizeof(S_aPerfMeasInfos[0]))
#define PERF_myBench          0

OsMemset(&oPerfMeasAppParms, 0, sizeof(EC_T_PERF_MEAS_APP_PARMS));
oPerfMeasAppParms.dwNumMeas = APPL_PERF_MEAS_NUM;
oPerfMeasAppParms.aPerfMeasInfos = S_aPerfMeasInfos;

dwRes = ecatPerfMeasAppCreate( &oPerfMeasAppParms, EC_NULL);

ecatPerfMeasAppStart(EC_NULL, PERF_myBench);
/* benchmarked work */
ecatPerfMeasAppEnd(EC_NULL, PERF_myBench);

6.8.6. API emPerfMeasAppCreate

static EC_T_DWORD ecatPerfMeasAppCreate(EC_T_PERF_MEAS_APP_PARMS *pPerfMeasAppParms, EC_T_VOID **ppvPerfMeas)
EC_T_DWORD emPerfMeasAppCreate(EC_T_DWORD dwInstanceID, EC_T_PERF_MEAS_APP_PARMS *pPerfMeasAppParms, EC_T_VOID **ppvPerfMeas)

Create PerfMeas object and bind it to the master instance.

This API can be called multiple times to create PerfMeas objects. The perfomance counters in each of the objects can be accessed in the following two ways:

  • by passing the PerfMeas object and the index of the performance measurement. The index ranges from [0-pPerfMeasAppParms->dwNumAppMeas]

  • by passing EC_NULL instead of a PerfMeas object and an index. In this case the index works across all PerfMeas objects bound to the master instance.

  • dwInstanceID – [in] Instance ID (Multiple EtherCAT Network Support)

  • pPerfMeasAppParms – [in] Pointer to parameter definitions

  • ppvPerfMeas – [out] Created PerfMeas object.


EC_E_NOERROR or an error code


Public Members

EC_T_DWORD dwNumMeas

[in] Number of performance counters to create


[in] PerfMeasInfos associated with the corresponding benchmark


[in] Timer function settings. When not provided OsMeasGetCounterTicks is used


[in] Histogram settings. When not provided the histogram is disabled. emPerfMeasAppDelete

static EC_T_DWORD ecatPerfMeasAppDelete(EC_T_VOID *pvPerfMeas)
EC_T_DWORD emPerfMeasAppDelete(EC_T_DWORD dwInstanceID, EC_T_VOID *pvPerfMeas)

Delete application performance measurement and unbind it from the master instance.

Objects which are not deleted using PerfMeasAppDelete are automatically deleted when calling DeinitMaster.


This invalidates the global index used when passing EC_NULL into the other PerfMeasApp functions

  • dwInstanceID – [in] Instance ID (Multiple EtherCAT Network Support)

  • pvPerfMeas – [in] PerfMeas object to delete


EC_E_NOERROR or an error code emPerfMeasAppStart

static EC_T_DWORD ecatPerfMeasAppStart(EC_T_VOID *pvPerfMeas, EC_T_DWORD dwIndex)
EC_T_DWORD emPerfMeasAppStart(EC_T_DWORD dwInstanceID, EC_T_VOID *pvPerfMeas, EC_T_DWORD dwIndex)

Start application performance measurement.

  • dwInstanceID – [in] Instance ID (Multiple EtherCAT Network Support)

  • pvPerfMeas – [in] PerfMeas object or EC_NULL to use continuous index

  • dwIndex – [in] Index of the performance measurement


EC_E_NOERROR or an error code emPerfMeasAppEnd

static EC_T_DWORD ecatPerfMeasAppEnd(EC_T_VOID *pvPerfMeas, EC_T_DWORD dwIndex)
EC_T_DWORD emPerfMeasAppEnd(EC_T_DWORD dwInstanceID, EC_T_VOID *pvPerfMeas, EC_T_DWORD dwIndex)

Stop application performance measurement.

  • dwInstanceID – [in] Instance ID (Multiple EtherCAT Network Support)

  • pvPerfMeas – [in] PerfMeas object or EC_NULL to use continuous index

  • dwIndex – [in] Index of the performance measurement


EC_E_NOERROR or an error code emPerfMeasAppReset

static EC_T_DWORD ecatPerfMeasAppReset(EC_T_VOID *pvPerfMeas, EC_T_DWORD dwIndex)
EC_T_DWORD emPerfMeasAppReset(EC_T_DWORD dwInstanceID, EC_T_VOID *pvPerfMeas, EC_T_DWORD dwIndex)

Reset application performance measurement.

  • dwInstanceID – [in] Instance ID (Multiple EtherCAT Network Support)

  • pvPerfMeas – [in] PerfMeas object or EC_NULL to use continuous index

  • dwIndex – [in] Index of the performance measurement, use EC_PERF_MEAS_ALL to reset all


EC_E_NOERROR or an error code emPerfMeasAppGetNumOf

static EC_T_DWORD ecatPerfMeasAppGetNumOf(EC_T_VOID *pvPerfMeas, EC_T_DWORD *pdwNumOf)
EC_T_DWORD emPerfMeasAppGetNumOf(EC_T_DWORD dwInstanceID, EC_T_VOID *pvPerfMeas, EC_T_DWORD *pdwNumOf)

Reset number of application performance measurement.

  • dwInstanceID – [in] Instance ID (Multiple EtherCAT Network Support)

  • pvPerfMeas – [in] PerfMeas object or EC_NULL to get the number of performance measurements in all PerfMeas objects

  • pdwNumOf – [out] Number of performance measurements


EC_E_NOERROR or an error code emPerfMeasAppGetInfo

static EC_T_DWORD ecatPerfMeasAppGetInfo(EC_T_VOID *pvPerfMeas, EC_T_DWORD dwIndex, EC_T_PERF_MEAS_INFO *pPerfMeasInfo, EC_T_DWORD dwPerfMeasNumOf)
EC_T_DWORD emPerfMeasAppGetInfo(EC_T_DWORD dwInstanceID, EC_T_VOID *pvPerfMeas, EC_T_DWORD dwIndex, EC_T_PERF_MEAS_INFO *pPerfMeasInfo, EC_T_DWORD dwPerfMeasNumOf)

Get general info about one/all application performance measurement.

  • dwInstanceID – [in] Instance ID (Multiple EtherCAT Network Support)

  • pvPerfMeas – [in] PerfMeas object or EC_NULL to use continous index

  • dwIndex – [in] Index of the performance measurement information, use EC_PERF_MEAS_ALL to get all

  • pPerfMeasInfo – [out] Pointer to a buffer receiving one/all performance measurement information

  • dwPerfMeasNumOf – [in] Number of elements allocated in pPerfMeasInfo


EC_E_NOERROR or an error code


Public Members


Name of the benchmark

EC_T_UINT64 qwFrequency

Frequency in Hz used by the timer


UserJob associated with the benchmark

EC_T_DWORD dwBinCountHistogram

length of Histogram Bins

EC_T_DWORD dwFlags

Flags associated with the benchmark (See EC_T_PERF_MEAS_FLAG…) emPerfMeasAppGetRaw

static EC_T_DWORD ecatPerfMeasAppGetRaw(EC_T_VOID *pvPerfMeas, EC_T_DWORD dwIndex, EC_T_PERF_MEAS_VAL *pPerfMeasVal, EC_T_PERF_MEAS_HISTOGRAM *pPerfMeasHistogram, EC_T_DWORD dwPerfMeasNumOf)
EC_T_DWORD emPerfMeasAppGetRaw(EC_T_DWORD dwInstanceID, EC_T_VOID *pvPerfMeas, EC_T_DWORD dwIndex, EC_T_PERF_MEAS_VAL *pPerfMeasVal, EC_T_PERF_MEAS_HISTOGRAM *pPerfMeasHistogram, EC_T_DWORD dwPerfMeasNumOf)

Get raw data of one/all application performance measurement.

  • dwInstanceID – [in] Instance ID (Multiple EtherCAT Network Support)

  • pvPerfMeas – [in] PerfMeas object or EC_NULL to use continuous index

  • dwIndex – [in] Index of the performance measurement, use EC_PERF_MEAS_ALL to get all

  • pPerfMeasVal – [out] Pointer to a buffer receiving one/all performance measurement values or EC_NULL

  • pPerfMeasHistogram – [out] Pointer to a buffer receiving one/all performance measurement histograms or EC_NULL

  • dwPerfMeasNumOf – [in] Number of elements allocated in pPerfMeasVal and pPerfMeasHistogram


EC_E_NOERROR or an error code


Public Members

EC_T_UINT64 qwCurrTicks


EC_T_UINT64 qwMinTicks


EC_T_UINT64 qwMaxTicks


EC_T_UINT64 qwAvgTicks



Public Members


Histogram Bins:

The first bin is used for times below

dwMinTicks. The last bin is used for times equal and above dwMaxTicks. All other times are stored in dwBinCount - 2

bins of equal size.

With e.g. dwBinCount = 202

qwMinTicks corresponding to 500us

qwMaxTicks corresponding to 1500us

aBins[0]: (-inf, 500us) corresponds to -inf < x < 500us

aBins[1]: [500us, 505us) corresponds to 500us <= x < 505us

aBins[2]: [505us, 510us) corresponds to 505us <= x < 510us

aBins[199]: [1490us, 1495us) corresponds to 1490us <= x < 1495us

aBins[200]: [1495us, 1500us) corresponds to 1495us <= x < 1500us

aBins[201]: [1500us, inf+) corresponds to 1500us <= x < inf+

EC_T_DWORD dwBinCount

length of aBins

EC_T_UINT64 qwMinTicks

results below qwMinTicks are stored in the first bin

EC_T_UINT64 qwMaxTicks

results above qwMaxTicks are stored in the last bin emPerfMeasInternalResetByTaskId

static EC_T_DWORD ecatPerfMeasInternalResetByTaskId(EC_T_DWORD dwTaskId, EC_T_DWORD dwIndex)
EC_T_DWORD emPerfMeasInternalResetByTaskId(EC_T_DWORD dwInstanceID, EC_T_DWORD dwTaskId, EC_T_DWORD dwIndex)

Reset internal performance measurement.

  • dwInstanceID – [in] Master Instance ID

  • dwTaskId – [in] Task Job ID

  • dwIndex – [in] Index of the performance measurement, use EC_PERF_MEAS_ALL to reset all


EC_E_NOERROR or an error code emPerfMeasInternalGetNumOfByTaskId

static EC_T_DWORD ecatPerfMeasInternalGetNumOfByTaskId(EC_T_DWORD dwTaskId, EC_T_DWORD *pdwNumOf)
EC_T_DWORD emPerfMeasInternalGetNumOfByTaskId(EC_T_DWORD dwInstanceID, EC_T_DWORD dwTaskId, EC_T_DWORD *pdwNumOf)

Reset number of internal performance measurement.

  • dwInstanceID – [in] Master Instance ID

  • dwTaskId – [in] Task Job ID

  • pdwNumOf – [out] Number of performance measurements


EC_E_NOERROR or an error code emPerfMeasInternalGetInfoByTaskId

static EC_T_DWORD ecatPerfMeasInternalGetInfoByTaskId(EC_T_DWORD dwTaskId, EC_T_DWORD dwIndex, EC_T_PERF_MEAS_INFO *pPerfMeasInfo, EC_T_DWORD dwPerfMeasNumOf)
EC_T_DWORD emPerfMeasInternalGetInfoByTaskId(EC_T_DWORD dwInstanceID, EC_T_DWORD dwTaskId, EC_T_DWORD dwIndex, EC_T_PERF_MEAS_INFO *pPerfMeasInfo, EC_T_DWORD dwPerfMeasNumOf)

Get general info about one/all internal performance measurement.

  • dwInstanceID – [in] Master Instance ID

  • dwTaskId – [in] Task Job ID

  • dwIndex – [in] Index of the performance measurement, use EC_PERF_MEAS_ALL to get all

  • pPerfMeasInfo – [out] Pointer to a buffer receiving one/all performance measurement infos

  • dwPerfMeasNumOf – [in] Number of elements allocated in pPerfMeasInfo


EC_E_NOERROR or an error code emPerfMeasInternalGetRawByTaskId

static EC_T_DWORD ecatPerfMeasInternalGetRawByTaskId(EC_T_DWORD dwTaskId, EC_T_DWORD dwIndex, EC_T_PERF_MEAS_VAL *pPerfMeasVal, EC_T_PERF_MEAS_HISTOGRAM *pPerfMeasHistogram, EC_T_DWORD dwPerfMeasNumOf)
EC_T_DWORD emPerfMeasInternalGetRawByTaskId(EC_T_DWORD dwInstanceID, EC_T_DWORD dwTaskId, EC_T_DWORD dwIndex, EC_T_PERF_MEAS_VAL *pPerfMeasVal, EC_T_PERF_MEAS_HISTOGRAM *pPerfMeasHistogram, EC_T_DWORD dwPerfMeasNumOf)

Get raw data of one/all application performance measurement.

  • dwInstanceID – [in] Master Instance ID

  • dwTaskId – [in] Task Job ID

  • dwIndex – [in] Index of the performance measurement, use EC_PERF_MEAS_ALL to get all

  • pPerfMeasVal – [out] Pointer to a buffer receiving one/all performance measurement values or EC_NULL

  • pPerfMeasHistogram – [out] Pointer to a buffer receiving one/all performance measurement histograms or EC_NULL

  • dwPerfMeasNumOf – [in] Number of elements allocated in pPerfMeasVal and pPerfMeasHistogram


EC_E_NOERROR or an error code