5.5. Beckhoff CCAT - emllCCAT

The parameters to the CCAT Link Layer are setup-specific. The function CreateLinkParmsFromCmdLineCCAT() in EcSelectLinkLayer.cpp demonstrates how to initialize the Link Layer instance. Because the link status cannot be read quickly from a register of the adapter, it will not be automatically refreshed like by the other Link Layers.

Public Members

Common link parameters. Signature must be set to EC_LINK_PARMS_SIGNATURE_CCAT

CCAT connection type

Physical address of register block, only for eCCAT_EIM

Size of register block, only for eCCAT_EIM

Receive buffer count, only for eCCAT_EIM

Transmit buffer count, only for eCCAT_EIM



enumerator eCCAT_PCI

CCAT connected to PCI bus

enumerator eCCAT_EIM

CCAT connected via EIM. Used in ARM systems, no DMA

5.5.1. Supported PCI devices

Beckhoff CCAT PCI specific definitions (VendorId, DeviceId)

  • PCI_DEVICE_CCAT (0x15EC, 0x2600)