4.8. SylixOS

The used ethernet port instance should be unbind from the OS otherwise the proper operation can’t be guarantied.

4.8.1. Setting up and running EcMasterDemo

  1. Prepare system
    • Setup your x64 operation system, unbind the wanted Ethernet port.

    • Connect the SylixOS PC to the host PC via Ethernet and test the connection via FTP and TELNET

  2. Compile EcMasterDemo
    • Install the RealEvo-IDE

    • Start and open the Workspace

    • Add the Base-Project “AT_SylixOSBase_x64” , ensure the chosen Toolchain and CPU Type as 64bit (called “x86-64”), and build it

    • Add the EcMasterDemo-Project, ensure the variable SYLIXOS_BASE_PATH in the “config.mk” is set to the Base-Project and build it (All configurations in the EcMasterDemo Project have to be done in the make files!)

  3. Run using GDB
    • Add the SylixOS PC as device. Open Properties of the EcMasterDemo project. Go to “SylixOS Project” -> “Device Setting”, open “New Device”, add a new Device with the IP address of the SylixOS PC

    • Open the “Debug Configuration”, create a new “SylixOS Remote Application” and enter the Arguments Settings “-i8254x 1 1 -f “eni.xml” -t 10000 -auxclk 500” (If you chose the wrong instance of the Ethernet port you could kill your Debug connection. “-i8254x <Instance> 1” )

    • Copy the shared libraries of the EcMaster and the LinkLayer to the “/lib/” folder on the SylixOS PC or the folder of the EcMasterDemo /app/EcMasterDemo/ (“EcMaster.so” and “emllI8254x.so”) And copy your ENI-file to the folder of the EcMasterDemo on the SylixOS PC

    • Start debugging

4.8.2. OS Compiler settings

Besides the general settings from Compiling the EcMasterDemo the following settings are necessary to build the example application for SylixOS.

Extra include paths
Extra source paths
Extra library paths to the main EtherCAT components