4.16. FreeRTOS

4.16.1. Setting up and running EcMasterDemo on Xilinx Zynq UltraScale+ (ZCU104) and Xilinx Zynq-7000 (ZC702 Evaluation Kit)

Install Xilinx SDK 2018.2 or Install Xilinx Vitis IDE 2022.2 How to create the demo applications for Xilinx Zynq

  1. Create ENI file for EtherCAT configuration.

    xxd.exe is capable of converting ENI files to a C file as array, e.g.

    xxd.exe -i eni.xml ENI.c

    Replace ENI.c file with generated one.

  2. Create a BSP project

    Based on the delivered hardware project, replace the settings file with the one from the package:

for Xilinx SDK

setws .
importprojects .

createbsp -name ZCU104_bsp_cortexa53 -hwproject ZCU104_hw_platform -proc psu_cortexa53_0 -arch 64 -os freertos10_xilinx
createbsp -name ZCU104_bsp_cortexr5 -hwproject ZCU104_hw_platform -proc psu_cortexr5_0  -os freertos10_xilinx
createbsp -name ZC702Rev_bsp -hwproject ZC702Rev_hw_platform -proc ps7_cortexa9_0  -os freertos10_xilinx
createbsp -name ZedBoard_bsp -hwproject ZedBoard_hw_platform -proc ps7_cortexa9_0  -os freertos10_xilinx
createbsp -name ZC701ZynqDimm_bsp -hwproject ZC701ZynqDimm_hw_platform -proc ps7_cortexa9_0  -os freertos10_xilinx
../<BSP name>/<core name>/libsrc/freertos10_xilinx_v1_1/src/FreeRTOSConfig.h

for Vitis IDE

set PATH=C:\Xilinx\Vitis\2022.2\bin;%PATH%
set BUILD_SEVENZIP="C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe"

@echo "Build with Xilinx Software Commandline Tool (XSCT)"

REM Create Xilinx BSP's
@echo "Create Xilinx BSP's"
pushd %BUILDOUTPUT%\Workspace\FreeRTOS_Zynq_Vitis\
call xsct.bat  ZCU104\platform.tcl
call xsct.bat  ZCU106\platform.tcl
call xsct.bat  Kria_KR260\platform.tcl
call xsct.bat  zc702\platform.tcl
../<BSP name>/psu_cortexr5_0/FreeRtos32BitR5/bsp/psu_cortexr5_0/libsrc/freertos10_xilinx_v1_12/src/FreeRTOSConfig.h

For the new BSP project, just use the same BSP name and core as in the package. How to run the EC-Master demo applications on Xilinx Zynq

Via USB debugger

Load the application with Debug Configuration ‣ Xilinix C/C++ application (System Debugger) to the chosen core.

Via SD card

By creating a BOOT.bin file, e.g.:

for Xilinx SDK
bootgen -w on -image ../EcMasterDemo_ZCU104_cortexa53.bif -arch zynqmp -o BOOT.bin

Maybe adjust the boot setting switches on the board

4.16.2. Setting up and running EcMasterDemo on TI AM64x EVM for R5 Core


Code Composer Studio 11.1 or newer How to create the demo applications on TI AM64x

  1. Create ENI file for EtherCAT configuration.

    xxd.exe is capable of converting ENI files to a C file as array, e.g.

    xxd.exe -i eni.xml ENI.c

    Replace ENI.c file with generated one.

  2. rebuild BSP for the correct performance measurement

    Change: ti/mcu_plus_sdk_am64x_08_01_00_36/source/kernel/freertos/config/am64x/r5f/FreeRTOSConfig.h

    #define configUSE_IDLE_HOOK (0)



    vApplicationIdleHook() replace “wfi” with “nop” How to run the EC-Master demo applications on TI AM64x

  1. Run via Debugger

    Follow getting started guide to flash the UART loader into the internal memory. Load the application with Debug Configuration ‣ Code ComposerStudio - Device Debugging and the Target Configuration to the R5F_0 core.

  2. Run via µSD card

    Adjust and rebuild sbl_sd boot example in the mcu_plus_sdk. in main.c replace

#define BOOTLOADER_APPIMAGE_MAX_FILE_SIZE (0x60000) /* Size of section MSRAM_2 specified in linker.cmd */
uint8_t gAppImageBuf[BOOTLOADER_APPIMAGE_MAX_FILE_SIZE] __attribute__((aligned(128), section(".bss.filebuf")));


#define BOOTLOADER_APPIMAGE_MAX_FILE_SIZE (0x800000) /* This has to match the size of DDR section in linker.cmd */
uint8_t gAppImageBuf[BOOTLOADER_APPIMAGE_MAX_FILE_SIZE] __attribute__((aligned(128), section(".bss.filebuf")));

4.16.3. Setting up and running EcMasterDemo on TI J784s4 EVM for R5 Core

Support for TiEnetCpswg on J784s4 is currently limited to TI J784S4X EVM with FreeRTOS in polling mode. It’s working with ti-processor-sdk-rtos-j784s4-evm-08_06_01_03.

Install PROCESSOR-SDK-RTOS-J784S4 Version:

Code Composer Studio 11.2 or newer How to create the demo applications on TI J784s4

  1. Create ENI file for EtherCAT configuration.

    See TI AM64x

  2. Adjust FreeRTOSConfig.h

    See …/ti-processor-sdk-rtos-j784s4-evm-08_06_01_03/pdk_j784s4_08_06_01_03/packages/ti/kernel/freertos/config/j784s4/r5f/FreeRTOSConfig.h

    Turn off configUSE_IDLE_HOOK, else vApplicationIdleHook() is called with asm("WFI"); is used. With WFI the ARM ccnt counter sleep and the performance measurement fails (WFI could also be replaced by NOP).

    Heap size is not set with configTOTAL_HEAP_SIZE it’s configured in the linker script linker_r5_freertos.lds How to run the EC-Master demo applications on TI J784s4

  1. Run via Debugger

    See TI AM64x

  2. Run via µSD card

    See sbl_mmcsd example